Friday, December 16, 2022

The Savoyard River


Partial Map Of Detroit (LOC)

The Savoyard river, or creek which had its headquarters out on the Brush farm somewhere, came down through the rear of Cadillac square, into Congress street, down the latter street across Woodward avenue, to Griswold street diagonally across the latter street to the alley, adjoining the old post-office building, and thence down through this alley to the Cass farm, across it in the rear of the Cass mansion, it found its way to the river, across Larned street, under a stone culvert. In 1825 or 1826, the city put an end to this Savoyard creek, within its limits, by building a large oaken box drain or sewer in its bed from Griswold street, down to the line of the Cass farm, which of course killed it for all time. I have been told, that it was quite a formidable stream at times, but it did not have that appearance when I knew it or the part of it wending its way through the Cass orchard. When I came here, all that remained of this stream or creek, was its well defined banks across Griswold street, which were soon after leveled. It was said that this creek, derived its name from an old French citizen, Mr. P. Berthlet, builder and owner of the Berthlet market, that was once on the northwest corner of Randolph and Woodbridge streets. He always bore the nickname of ‘Savoyard. (Source)

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