Thursday, June 4, 2020

Snays In Deed

*Source Clinton County, New York

Clinton County, New York
Deed# 91-869

North 1/2 Lot 44 *Livingston formerly owned by John Muzzy...49 acres....reserving 10 acres heretofor sold to Sophia Snay, wife of Peter Snay...situate in the northwest corner of said lot and being the same premises heretofor conveyed by Milo Evans and wife to Thomas Ward and the same premises conveyed by Thomas Ward and wife to Robert Burk by deed dated 29 March 1879.  Also all that other piece of land...Lot southeast corner of Peter Snay lot so called... .

There was also a Burk deed dated 20 March 1876 and a Burk deed dated 21 August 1882.

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