Saturday, August 25, 2018

Garretts In Mississippi County, Arkansas, In 1880

The town of Osceola on the Mississippi County, Arkansas, Map:

Source - Library Of Congress

Census 1880
Osceola, Mississippi, Arkansas, United States
George W Garrett Self M 37 Arkansas, United States
W Jane Garrett Wife F 39 Tennessee, United States
*Joseph Garrett Son M 11 Arkansas, United States
G Frank Garrett Son M 10 Arkansas, United States
Creighton Garrett Son M 4 Arkansas, United States
H Demarret Garrett Son M 0 Arkansas, United States
[Census taken 2 June 1880]

Is the person [on the day of the Enumerator's visit] sick, or temporarily disabled so as to be unable to attend to ordinary business or duties?  If so, what is the sickness or disability?
*Joseph Garrett (my great-grandfather) had typhoid fever.

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