Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Arabella Anderson On The South Fork Of "Nole Linn"

Description: ANDERSON, ARABELLA (also See entry in an index)
Patent: VA 3352.0
*See Survey 1038
Treasury warrant 15114
page 329
book 4 pg 285 or 286
27 August 1783
Jefferson County

William May to Arabella Anderson
Image 1
Surveyed for Arabella Anderson (assignee?) of William May (...) 200 acres of land in Jefferson County on the South branch of the south fork of Nole Linn called Buffalo Creek, adjoining Nourse's survey of 200 acres that includes the fork of the said south fork of Nole Linn aforesaid, Beginning a a white oak in the said Nourse's line about 40 poles south of the said Fork in the Edge of the Barrens running S 10 E 200 poles to a black walnut and hickory on the same side of the creek about 3 poles from the bank, thence N 0/8/? E114 fr? poles to two white oaks thence N 10 W 176 1/2 poles to a black oak in the said Nourse's line thence along the same N64 W176 poles to the beginning by virtue of part of a Treasury Warrant No. 15114 (*See survey #1038)
August 27, 1783
Philip Phillips, Agt
Geo. May S.I.C.?

Recorded B4 Page 285/286

*Diagram From Survey #1038 (Page 3)

See more in Arabella post at Detour Through History and also see another transcribed version as well as additional information here, at Comb and Families website

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